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Last updated: 25th July 2019

Rights and Duties

  • To appoint advisors and consultants deemed necessary by the society to carry out researches and other activities effectively;
  • To award certificates, diplomas, degrees and other distinctions to candidates and prescribe standards of proficiency for the award of such certificates, diplomas, degrees and other distinctions;
  • To confer honorary awards and other distinctions;
  • To promote, organize, establish and support branches, regional centers, offices, research and academic institutions, training centers, libraries or any other entities as may be considered necessary for the promotion of the objectives and purposes of the Society;
  • To constitute such committee or committees as the Society may deem necessary for the disposal of any of its business or on such matters as the Society may like to be advised;
  • To open and operate bank accounts and to sign and endorse any cheque and negotiable instruments on behalf of the Society;
  • To maintain an endowment fund and separate operating account or accounts, and to utilize part or whole of the fund and/or account towards capital and recurring expenditure of the Society, to make appropriate investments or to use the fund in any other way which the Society may deem fit;
  • To create technical, administrative and other posts under the Society and to make appointments thereto in accordance with the Memorandum of Association, and Rules of the Society;
  • To purchase, take on lease, or otherwise acquire any land or building wherever situated in Bangladesh, which may be necessary for the Society;
  • To sell, lease, exchange and otherwise transfer all or any properties of the Society;
  • To obtain registration or recognition of the Society in any form from the government or any other authority within Bangladesh, and to take all such steps as may be deemed necessary or expedient for enabling the Society to carry on its functions properly;
  • To use income of the Society for advancement of its objects in accordance with its memorandum; and
  • To pursue all other lawful activities conducive to the attainment of objects of the Society.

To make such rules, bye-laws, principles and guidelines for the conduct of the affairs of the Society and to add, amend, vary or rescind them from time to time;